June Ohio UX Hangout
Once a month, on the 2nd Friday at Noon ET, User Experience practitioners from across Ohio hang out on Zoom.
We meet each other, share news (e.g., what is happening in local UX communities), and discuss opportunities to collaborate. We work together to solve issues, such as the lack of UX career awareness in K-12.
What will we cover in June? It depends who shows up! Join us to network (esp. if looking for a job), announce your organization's job openings, recap a great meetup, publicize upcoming events, or get feedback on a challenge at work.
One thing we will concentrate on this month is planning local and statewide events for World Interaction Design Day, Ohio Tech Day, and World Usability Day.
Organized by the Ohio UX Roundtable, connecting the User Experience community across the state. Part of OhioX, a nonprofit membership organization that connects, promotes, and advocates for tech in Ohio.