Lindsay Watson on the idea that took her from physical therapist to startup founder (#079)


Lindsay Watson is the co-founder and CEO of Augment Therapy. In this episode we talk about Lindsay's journal going from physical therapist to startup founder.

With a career as a physical therapist specializing in pediatrics for nearly 20 years, Lindsay is now a  tech entrepreneur with a passion to drive change in the rehab industry by integrating innovative augmented reality technology into treatment.

Taking her expertise and industry experience, she is now the co-founder and CEO of Augment Therapy Inc, a company which combines the best of augmented reality, Telehealth, and remote monitoring to improve the delivery of physical therapy. She has led her company to win many awards, participate in multiple tech accelerators, and receive recognition such as “Most Promising Startup” and “A Company to Watch,” by Inc. Magazine.

In 2019, she was named one of Cleveland’s Notable Women of Technology. She is passionate about driving change in the healthcare and physical therapy industry by automating more precise data collection, making therapy more widely accessible, and better engaging for today’s tech savvy patients.

Connect with Lindsay on LinkedIn.

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Built in Ohio is a podcast brought to you by OhioX. OhioX is a nonprofit organization that represents and connects those committed to growing Ohio’s economy through technology and innovation. In our podcast episodes, we speak with, and about, the people, companies, and ideas that are building Ohio’s future - through technology and innovation.

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