Profile: Jacob Glenn

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Meet Jacob Glenn. Founder and President of M Genio.

Name: Jacob Glenn

Job: Founder and President, M Genio

City: Cleveland

Hometown: Delaware

Q: What do you do at M Genio?
M Genio is a custom software development firm focused on mobile, cloud, and IoT solutions. We partner with leading companies ranging from startups to Fortune 100s to provide solutions at the intersection of business and technology.

Q: What’s a problem you're working to solve?
We spend a lot of time trying to teach old products new tricks. When working in the IoT space we have to balance making something "smart" or voice activated with the value that actually provides. So we are trying, along with our customers, to move the IoT space beyond just asking Alexa to make your product do something to a place where we have connected ecosystems that interact and learn from each other and provide broader value at a systems level.

We'd like to see the universe of smart products and sensors begin to interact in a way that results in truly preventative and predictive results.

Q: What’s a lesson you’ve learned that's shaped your work?
The right mix of good hiring practices and a solid culture lead to better innovation and success. We move fast when hiring but don't take it lightly, as we spend a lot of time ensuring that the folks we hire are a good culture fit.

We've learned along the way that specific expertise or years of experience is much less important than the right attitude and aptitude. Someone with a strong technical foundation and the right attitude (along with a bit of hunger) will almost always outperform someone who's been there and done it many times.

That's not to say we don't value experience but when you combine the evolving technology landscape with a collaborative culture; the ability for team members to share and collaborate almost always results in better solutions.

Q: What’s a trend in technology or innovation that doesn’t get enough attention?
I think Serverless technology is often misunderstood. We see serverless technologies and event driven architectures as the direction infrastructure is headed for the cost advantages, accessibility, and scalability it provides but there are many misconceptions that have slowed its adoption.

Q: What’s one moonshot idea that could help make Ohio a world leader in technology and innovation?
I think local collaborations are an opportunity to really benefit all the players in the region. We have a significant number of large (Fortune 500) companies in the region who often look outside Ohio for support with technology and innovation.

Similarly, we have a good number of startups and tech service firms who look to the coasts for funding, customers, or support. I believe it could have a tremendous impact if we all started local before seeking out opportunities in other regions.

Q: What’s a recent book, podcast or news story that you found interesting?
I'm a sucker for a good podcast and am constantly cycling through new ones that might expand my knowledge in some way. Currently I'm listening to Gangster Capitalism which is a really well done series that in Season One explored the college admission scandal and in Season Two explores the NRA. It's like a TV mini-series in podcast form.

Q: What's your favorite place in Ohio?
My own backyard. We basically bought our house for the yard and it's the first place that comes to mind when asked this question. Whether it's gardening, playing with my kids, or hanging out around a fire pit with neighborhood friends I'm always "at home" just outside my back door.

Q: What makes Ohio special to you?
It's clearly cliche, but, it's the people. I grew up in Ohio but I've both lived and worked in other bigger cities.

Professionally speaking, I would put the work ethic and drive of us here in Cleveland up against Silicon Valley, New York, or DC any day. It helps that we have family and friends here and it will always be "home", but Ohioans are just good people.

Connect with Jacob on LinkedIn.


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