Member Profile: Always Education


Company Name: Always Education, LLC

Location(s): Cincinnati

Industry: Enterprise software platform for digital transformation 

What We Do:

Our patented platform digitalizes your entire enterprise to create a virtual space that mimics your actual space.  As a result, every user of the platform has a context-aware, networked, remote work environment. The platform understands organizational hierarchy, provides role-based access to data, and allows for the performance of tasks in the virtual space more effectively, efficiently, and creatively than they can be performed in the actual space. 

What’s a Trend You’re Seeing/Prediction for the Future:

Unification and simplification of access to relevant information via machine learning for business intelligence.

A Problem/Challenge We Are Working To Solve:

Getting the right information to the right people at the right time to make smart data-driven decisions.

Company Slogan: “Your Enterprise in Your Pocket”

Why is Ohio a great place to do business? Great universities, lower cost of living, safe and rich place to raise a family, excellent work ethics.

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